Week 5: The Waiting Game

Have you ever waited for a house to dry out in a humid climate? It is kind of like waiting for a huge pot of water to boil, only way worse. The cruel joke of having hurricanes hit in humid areas is it takes FOREVER for the homes to dry after they have been gutted…

Week 4: Starting to Feel Like Home

When I think of home, all different kinds of images come to mind- places I have lived, people I love, things that make me feel comfortable. But mostly home is that place where I can exhale and feel like no matter what happens, I am safe here. I am home. This week the camper has…

Week 3: The Honeymoon is Over

I feel like if there was a theme to our third week of traveling fulltime it would be “real life has begun.” I remember when Scott and I first got married, there was a point where I realized that this was the rest of my life. It wasn’t a negative realization; just more of a…