We got back to Tulsa this week (made the 8 hour trip in one day!) to pack up our rental house and move everything into storage. To say life is a little messy right now would be an understatement.
Besides spending the days sorting through everything we own, we have taken some time to enjoy Tulsa before we leave.
We have always loved our neighborhood. Scott and I actually lived here before we traveled full time last time and have been blessed to spend the last two years back here again. (The apartment we used to live in was recently torn down for a new park).
Big life changes can be stressful on everyone. But thankfully having some time to say goodbye to a place we love helps make the transition easier. For the adults anyway 😉
Someone recently said it is okay to take time to mourn the life you are leaving behind. As excited as we are for the new adventure God has us on, the closing of this chapter of our lives in Tulsa is bittersweet.
This was the house where we first brought our girls home from the hospital. It is the house where Madeline took her first steps and Emily first laughed. We have lots of memories here.
So in between doctor appointments and sorting and packing, we are taking time to enjoy our last few days in this place we once called home.
So true. Tulsa is a great place. You have had many blessings there. But God has new adventures for you