When we decided to travel full time as a family, we knew that we would have some family and friends concerned about our decision. We knew not everyone would understand why Scott doesn’t just travel without us and then come home in between disasters and church visits.

There are lots of reasons we want to travel as a family. We want to show our kids the world outside of their Tulsa bubble. We want to give them the opportunity to have experiences they would not otherwise have. And we want to let them see God work in different parts of the country.

But the biggest reason it is important for us to travel as a family is that we don’t want our children to be ministry orphans.

I want to hear them laugh and giggle with their daddy, not just say hi over FaceTime.

I want to watch them read stories with their daddy and cultivate a lifelong love of reading.

I want to see them cuddle with their daddy in bed in the morning before we start our day.

Most of all, I want them to know while serving others in ministry is important to us, they are more important. Our family is our ministry first and foremost. Everything else we get to do for God comes second to raising our children.

While we respect some people’s decision to have their wife and kids stay home while they travel for work or ministry, we know that is not for us. We are in this together as a family, day in and day out. This isn’t Scott’s ministry; this is our family’s ministry. So together we go!

4 thoughts on “Why It Is Important For Us to Travel as a Family”

  1. I am so proud of what you do. It is awesome that you can go as a family. Madeline and Emily need both parents. Love the pictures and the video.

  2. We are excited that you can serve and travel together. It is wonderful for the family to experience life together,
    Mom and Dad with their kids. You are blessed

  3. Scott and Dara, I absolutely love your ministry and how you show Gods love in such a practical way. I also love what you said in this post! Many people will be blessed because of you, especially your children. God bless you guys!

  4. Scott and Dara, Go d is your leader all that is left is for you to follow what God puts in your hearts. God never fail those who follow and believe in him, he is always with you.

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